Keyword Position Checker

Enter your domain name :

Keywords :

Check Positions upto :


Enter keywords in separate line.



About Keyword Position Checker

A keyword position checker is a web application created with the specific purpose of helping its users to give the keyword correct position. This position is checked with the aim of getting a higher rank than its competitors. The keyword Position Checker has been designed to use the following in the determination of the position of the keywords:

  1. It calculates the number of websites and pages that have used the specific keyword. Then, it will choose the ones ranked high for the keywords.
  2. The amount of money people are ready to pay to make sure their websites are ranked high and how many people are in doing so.
  3. The rate of people's search for that specific keyword.

This tool will also give you the following information:

  1. A SERP analysis
  2. Also analysis and insights of the page of your competitors and Google SERP
  3. The tracking of your keywords and determining their rankings
  4. The specific backlinks your page needs. They will give you a guide on creating these good backlinks.

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